Deedee! Get out of my laboratory!
Dexter's Laboratory is one of those cartoons that fits firmly into the nostalgia category for me. I never watched it religiously, but always enjoyed the shenanigans Dexter and Deedee got into.
I think Dexter and Deedee have a fantastic brother/sister relationship; yes, Deedee annoys Dexter to no end, but Dexter also realizes that Deedee experiences the world differently than he does and his life would be much less exciting without her. Lots of love to Queen Ally Cosplay for being the best Deedee anyone could ask for! Construction notes; click to expand
One of the most fun parts of cosplay is making silly videos with your friends, and Ally and I did JUST THAT at Escape Velocity 2016!
The Gaylord National Hotel, where the convention took place, is usually overcrowded when I visit for Katsucon and MAGFest. During Escape Velocity, it felt like we had the whole place to ourselves!