December was a busy month for me between travel and crafting! I did a TON of stuff, and January and February are also going to be insanely busy! Basically, the theme of this month was LOCATION SHOOTS! I visited to the Black Hills of South Dakota for the holidays, and the area around my childhood hometown has some incredible locations for photo shoots. I connected with some talented members of the cosplay community in my hometown and we collaborated on some AMAZING stuff.
This is from a Christmas shoot with Brad Behles Photography! He wanted to do a fun Christmasy shoot, I had a new dress and a fancy white-blonde wig, so we got together, set up an in-home studio, and started shooting! This shoot was very different than the ones I'm used to. It was essentially an in-character fashion shoot, which meant I was the *only* thing of interest in the frame. I had to focus a ton of effort into my posing and expressions, rather than letting the costume do most of the work. Overall, it was a new experience and I learned a lot from it. Even if I wasn't in character 100% of the time.
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April 2019