Much like Obi-Wan, you may have sensed a disturbance in the cosplay world this week as a hundred thousand voices cried out and continued to cry out over a certain convention's social media fiasco. As entertaining as the whole blowout has been from a spectator standpoint (I've been likening it to watching a slow-motion train crash develop into a mag-lev pileup), I'm not here to talk about the specifics of the Sante Fe Comic-Con debacle or the many, many cosplayers it antagonized. My opinions on the matter are fairly irrelevant, seeing as I'm an east coast cosplayer and I hadn't even heard of SFCC before last weekend. However, it has spurred interesting discussions both on the page and across the Web on the topic of the validity of cosplayers as convention guests. It has been enlightening (and sometimes infuriating) to see the smorgasbord of opinions from across the world on the comments of the initial post and the conversations that followed. So I thought I'd throw in my two cents.
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April 2019